Welcome to the Introduction to Deep Learning course offered in SoSe 24.
Lectures: Prerecorded, uploaded every Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.
Tutorials: Prerecorded, uploaded every Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
Exercises: Mostly coding, jupyter-notebooks and Python based, uploaded every Thursday,
10:00 a.m.
If you are a student from another university or simply
interested in Deep Learning, you can access the lecture and exercise videos through this webpage which
will be updated accordingly. All notebooks feature separate tests where you can record your performance,
though you will not be able to access to submission website. We will also provide solutions and
discussions about the submissions in our weekly exercise videos which are all publicly hosted on this
For details about the exercises, please refer to the first tutorial session. In particular, you will submit your solutions via our submission website (https://i2dl.vc.in.tum.de).
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Matthias Niessner
SWS: 4
In addition to the tutorial we also offer to discuss questions in person. This semester, the office hours will be held via TUM-Zoom. Please keep the following in mind to ensure the office hours remain helpful for everyone:
Office hours start on the second week of the class (22.04.2024 onwards). For one hour, you can have direct contact with one of our TAs to resolve your issues in person.
The final exam will be on TBD. The exam will most likely be a traditional onsite exam, so please take this into consideration if you intend to receive credits for this class. Credits are only awarded for students that participated and successfully passed the exam.
As this course is taught every semester, there will be no retake exam; you will have to take next semester's exam (bonus will be transferred).
We provide a mock exam and the solution for your reference.
We will use Piazza for discussions, publication of the office hour zoom link and to distribute exam related information. We will not be using Moodle. The slides and all material will also be posted and maintained on Piazza, but it will be identical the material hosted on this website.
TUM students can register directly with TUM email address. The other students (e.g. LMU student) need to manually send their email address to us to get enrolled on Piazza.
If you have any questions regarding the organization of the course, do not hesitate to contact us at: i2dl@vc.in.tum.de. Please refrain from using the personal email addresses.
For questions on the syllabus, exercises or any other questions on the content of the lecture, we will use the forum discussion board.
We want to provide access to our lecture for as many students as possible. If you are affiliated with TUM (e.g. LMU student, Ph.D. student, TUM student who cannot register for courses yet but have a TUM token, etc.), we will add you to our class manually. Please fill in the following form. Note that TUM students can enroll themselves to Piazza using a @mytum.de address.
This class will be offered next semester (WiSe24/25) as well. Exercise bonus can be transferred.